
Short E. Med Page Today. 8 May 2024.

Investigational Drug Could Help Vapers Quit. “Few trials have evaluated tools for quitting vaping specifically: a pilot study indicated efficacy with nicotine replacement, and one randomized trial showed that varenicline (Chantix) — approved as a quit aid for traditional cigarettes — improved abstinence rates among e-cigarette users.

“No medication has been approved by the FDA for vaping cessation,” Author Rigotti said in a press release about her research on cytisinicline. “Our study (see reference below) indicates that cytisinicline might be an option to fill this gap and help adult vapers to stop using e-cigarettes.”

Rigotti N, et al. Cytisinicline for Vaping Cessation in Adults Using Nicotine E-Cigarettes. JAMA Intern Med. Published online May 6, 2024. doi:10.1001/jamainternmed.2024.1313

Stephen Hamann

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