
Parents Against Vaping E-cigarettes (PAVE) on Earth Day (Monday

Parents Against Vaping E-cigarettes (PAVE) on Earth Day (Monday, April 22) presented ”Vapes Pollute our Earth: Youth as Advocates, not Customers” featuring Dr. Jeremiah Mock, UCSF. See his presentation at:

Comment: The hazards of e-cigarettes are multiple because e-cigarettes have not been designed to be safe, especially with respect to their active nicotine ingredients and the materials used in their production. For example, the lithium batteries in e-cigarettes are a resource that could better be used in other applications (electric vehicles, for example) and can produce fires when improperly discarded in e-cigarette domestic waste. Presently, there is no environmentally safe way to discard e-cigarette waste because of the multiple components and ingredients in e-cigarettes (plastics, metals, hazardous chemicals, and flavors). Dr. Mock explains this dilemma and e-cigarette dangers throughout the environment.

Stephen Hamann

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